Tuesday, 16 January 2007

The Valencian PMR nr 258 is already passed

A few minutes after we posted the former message, a new on the Valencian plant micro-reserves (PMR) arrived: the PMR 'Alt del Senabre', promoted by the municipality of Beniarrés (Province of Alicante) has been officially created, being published in the regional gazette of the Valencian Community. The rules can be consulted (in Spanish and Valencian languages) at https://www.docv.gva.es/portal/portal/2007/01/16/pdf/2006_14550.pdf *

*Orden de 30 de octubre de 2006, de la Conselleria de
Territorio y Vivienda, por la que se declara una microrreserva
vegetal en la provincia de Alicante. [2006/14550]
DOCV (Diari Oficial de la Comunitat Valenciana) nr 5.429, 16.01.2007, pp. 2233-2235.

Information on the Cretan microreserves

Some months ago, the LIFE-Mature CRETAPLANT to create a plant microreserves network in Western Creta opened its renewed website at http://cretaplant.biol.uoa.gr
This website offers complete information on the project, as well as a good set of pubications and presentations in PDF format. The section on 'News' is regularly updated. Don't forget to visit it and send us your opinions

New plant microreserves in Valencia, Spain

Through the order of 17th july 2006, 16 new plant microreserves (PMRs) have been legally protected in the Valencian Community. The sum of Valencian PMR achieves 257 protected sites, the most dense network of protected natural areas for wild plants.The complete text in Valencian and Spanish languages are available at http://www.gva.es/cidaj/pdf/5343.pdf

A global introduction to the PMR model can be found visiting http://es.geocities.com/microreserves