Planta Europa has launched the 'European Information Platform for Plants' (EIP), where the plant microreserves have a specific information sheet as relevant case study for plant conservation. The EIP initiative is maintained from Plantlife International, and you can access the information through the Planta Europa website www.plantaeuropa.org or directly clicking on the banner above, on this message
Please, find below the letter spreaded from the Planta Europa secretariat, sent by Beth Newman to the Planta Europa members. The readers belonging to no-member institutions are invited, in any case, to joint the initiative (and of course to join Planta Europa!):
The European Information Platform for Plants (EIP) is part of the Planta Europa Network website dedicated to providing information that will help everyone engaged in plant conservation activities, and will track the implementation of the European Strategy for Plant Conservation.
At the Plant Europa conference in Cluj Napoca, participants led the development of the second edition of the European Strategy for Plant Conservation (2008 -2014). During discussions, it was clear that sharing information and expertise on plant conservation was, and would continue to be, a very important part of helping stakeholders to implement this Strategy. The conference proposed that an information service should be provided for many of the new targets on the Planta Europa website, and the outgoing Planta Europa secretariat ( in particular the Planta Europa Assistant Ainhoa Mendizabal) has been working hard to develop such an information service on the web.
So here it is: http://www.plantaeuropa.org/EIP_index.htm The EIP can also be reached from the home page of the Planta Europa website, www.plantaeuropa.org (from the bottom of the left hand navigation panel).
The site has three main elements
1. Details of the progress towards the targets of the European Strategy for Plant Conservation
2. Country profiles - information on plants, fungi and conservation in each European country ( from information that used to be on Plant Talk website, collated by Hugh Synge and Melanie Bilz)
3. Case studies, tools and contact information on specific plant conservation projects that contribute to the implementation of the ESPC.
3. Case studies, tools and contact information on specific plant conservation projects that contribute to the implementation of the ESPC.
Use the left hand navigation panel to reach these three areas.
- Use the EIP
- Promote the EIP to your colleagues and other conservation organisations in Europe
- Contribute information on your projects by filling in the templates and sending them to Plantlife International who are managing this site (send to enquiries@plantlife.org.uk)
- Simply to tell us what you think!
- Simply to tell us what you think!
The EIP has been produced through the efforts of the Planta Europa Network members, the Secretariat and with some information from the former website of Plant Talk. We hope that it will allow more fluent communication among users, where emerging issues, suggestions, successful projects and new ideas will be collected.
Welcome to your project. Welcome to the EIP Planta Europa
Beth Newman
European Biological Information Management Officer Plantlife International - The Wild Plant Conservation Charity
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